Jxb Probiotics: A Packaging Design Inspired by Space

Creating a Caring Personality and Scientific Expertise

Inspired by a little spaceman looking upon the starry sky, Jxb Probiotics packaging carries out the responsibility to guard people's body. Designed by Tiger Pan, this unique packaging aims to bring order and recognition to the chaotic Chinese probiotics market while conveying a sense of scientific expertise.

In China, the market of probiotics is going through a period of chaotic but rapid development, with packages that are out of order and off standard. This reflects a low recognition of consumers. To address this issue, Tiger Pan drew inspiration from a guardian image of a spaceman. Probiotics are like our personal bodyguards, but they work from within. By incorporating this concept into the packaging design, Jxb Probiotics stands out from the competition.

The outer pack of Jxb Probiotics is made from 100% recyclable cardboard, utilizing reused pulp material. This sustainable choice not only reduces waste but also conveys a caring personality for the brand. The smallest single units of the packaging can be reused, allowing consumers to transform them into playful items like car decorations or mini vases.

The guardian shape of the packaging not only represents the responsibility of protecting people's bodies but also conveys a sense of scientific expertise. The design aims to remind people to pay attention to their intestine and stomach health, as the spaceman-like shape of the smallest unit of the probiotics is uniquely distinguishing the product.

Printed with FSC certified VOC-free and solvent-free UV inks, the production process of Jxb Probiotics packaging is safer for the environment and has virtually zero carbon emissions. This commitment to sustainability aligns with the brand's focus on health and well-being.

Designed by Tiger Pan and his team, including Yahui Wang, Zhangkun Xie, Miaorong Lu, and Lei Peng, the Jxb Probiotics packaging project took place from September 2021 to August 2022 in Shenzhen.

The unique and innovative design of Jxb Probiotics packaging has been recognized with the Bronze A' Design Award in the Packaging Design category in 2023. This prestigious award honors designs that exhibit strong technical and creative skills, contributing to quality of life improvements. By incorporating best practices in art, science, design, and technology, Jxb Probiotics packaging truly makes the world a better place.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: TIGER PAN
Image Credits: Tiger Pan
Project Team Members: Chief Designer:Tiger Pan Assistant Designer:Yahui Wang Technical Support: Zhangkun Xie Technical Support: Miaorong Lu Project Manager: Lei Peng
Project Name: Jxb Probiotics
Project Client: TIGER PAN

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